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DevOps World | Jenkins World 2019


Evolve the 2018 branding in a way flexible enough to work for all facets of the 2019 event.

  • Strategy

    Presentation flow, Design direction

  • Design

    Event branding, Motion design, Presentation design

  • Client


Project overview

Another great year on the books!

CGI Interactive had an amazing year — our 4th! — working on creative for DevOps World | Jenkins World with the CloudBees team. From a landing page design to presentations, and from video to stickers, we had so many elements of the event to work with and to create a cohesive experience. Our initial designs began in May for the events that were in August and December. This lead time gave both teams room to explore ideas and make 2019 the best year yet.

Event Branding

Opening video and presentation

For DevOps World | Jenkins World 2019, we decided to evolve the brand from 2018. While the color palette remained the same, we moved away from the low polygon look.

One of the factors that led to some really fun ideas was the stage design. The fantastic team at Immersive Productions created another great stage setup that worked well for both the San Francisco and Lisbon events. It also gave the CGI team an amazing space to creatively work with.

Sketches from the illustrated DevOps World 2019 event opening video design.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It shows the illustrated opening video.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It set the tone with giant text that says "Jam Packed Conference".
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts the announcement of an acquisition.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts an ecosystem.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. The screens show the event lineup.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts the evolution of technology.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts the cloudbees platform.
Event Branding

Keynote videos and presentations

Working with Shawn Ahmed, SVP & GM, Software Delivery Automation Group, on his vision for his opening video and presentation we were able to really drive an interesting use of video and music to tell his story of SDM (Software Delivery Management). Our opening video was split into three parts: discord, harmony, and rock-on. Orchestrating all of the teams needed to deliver rapid software updates is a huge challenge.

An image from the 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event opening video. A lone developer character is coding as if its like making music.
An image from the 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event opening video. Characters illustrate the development teams working seamlessly together.
A stage mockup of the 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World opening video. Character illustrations show the potential of DevOps when it works well.

We decided to orchestrate a piece of music to show the discordant approach of today versus the harmony brought by SDM. We pulled in the team at Sonos Sanctus to help craft music and sound effects to bring the story to life.

The presentations were split into parts as well. Shawn told the story of how we got to this state of discord. We then shifted into a more software-driven segment that gave the audience a live feel for how SDM can drive harmony and success with rapid software delivery.

To close out the experience, we created a video we called “Rock Out.” This finale portrayed our animated characters launching their software successfully. The harmony is then extended to end users and their ability to easily update and provide feedback.

A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts speed lines with stats over them.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts developers as a character.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts the cloudbees connected platform.
A stage mockup of the three screen set up from 2019 DevOps World Jenkins World event. It depicts the layers of SDM.

“We are proud to call you a partner (not an agency). You are all true professionals, and we love working with you!”

Andre Pino, VP Marketing, CloudBees

What We Made


An icon of a target

Event branding

We evolved the look of the event through mood boards and concept frames.

An icon of a presentation slide

Presentation design

We created 4 keynote presentations using mockups to show how the experience would look across the three screens.

An icon of a play button

Motion design

Our team designed 4 opening videos as well as a walk-in loop, and 6 booth animations that were tailored to each day of the event.

We'd love to hear from you.